Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Safer roads in Europe. Yes we care! Pt.1

Poster for Young Artists for road safety,
not selected, 2011

Poster for Young Artists for road safety,
not selected, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Skopje Poster Festival 2011

Poster for Skopje Poster Festival, theme was AIDS/HIV,
finalist, published in catalogue and exhibited in city of Skopje, Macedonia,2011

Poster for Skopje Poster Festival, theme was AIDS/HIV, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Skopje Poster Festival 2008

Poster for Skopje Poster Festival workshop, theme was Intolerance, mentorja: Jernej Stritar in Ranko Novak,
shortlist, published in catalogue and exhibited in city of Skopje, Macedonia,2008

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Skopje Poster Festival 2008

Poster for Skopje Poster Festival workshop, theme was Intolerance, mentor: Jernej Stritar,

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kontejner magazine

4 page portfolio layout of my graffiti projects, Kontejner, magazine about street art and graffiti in Balkan region

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Illustration for Kolovrateater Bar in Ljubljana


Illustration for Kolovrateater Bar in Ljubljana


Chainsaw type, mentor: Tomato Košir, exhibited at Tipobrda exhibition in Kaverljag

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Poster Festival Ljubljana

Poster for Ljubljana poster festival, theme was Climate Change, mentor: prof. Ranko Novak,
published in catalogue and exhibited in Ljubljana

Poster Festival Ljubljana

Poster for Ljubljana poster festival, theme was Climate Change, mentor: prof. Ranko Novak,
published in catalogue and exhibited in Ljubljana

Poster Festival Ljubljana

Posters for Ljubljana poster festival, theme was Climate Change, mentor: prof. Ranko Novak,
published in catalogue and exhibited in Ljubljana

Chaumont Poster Festival

Poster for Chaumont poster festival, Estudiantes en chaumont! theme was We men & women, mentor: prof. Ranko Novak,
published in catalogue and exhibited in Chaumont

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Proglas Mladina

Posters made for Proglas section of Mladina magazine (the no.1 political magazine in the country),
theme for the left one was Climate change and theme for the right one was Army abolishment,
mentor of the Climate change poster: prof. Ranko Novak

Monday, June 13, 2011

Second Annual

Logotype, identity, catalogue and flyer design for Second Annual ALUO Exhibition,
client and publisher: University of Ljubljana for the Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
mentor: prof. Ranko Novak

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy 2012

Stamp, postage mark and envelope for New Years 2012,
client: Post of Slovenia, unrealised

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Junge Wilde

Identity and booklet design,
client: Patrick Friedrich, chef at Orlando di Castello high-end restaurant, Vienna

Bike ride

Poster for Ljubljana Poster Festival workshop, theme was Climate Change, mentor: Čedomir Kostovič,
bought by Ministry of Culture Slovenia

Wednesday, May 25, 2011